We are happy to announce that we have recently secured funding from The National Lottery Community Fund, to run a project titled ‘Healthy People’ to help improve the health and well-being of our Cypriot community in and around Hackney. Within this fantastic project, we will work hard with our service users to improve their health and well-being, through various weekly workshops in which support will be available to stop smoking and maintain a healthier lifestyle. Thanks to this additional funding, we are now open an extra two days during the week, Friday and Saturday, where we will run a weekly blood pressure check for our community. We will be running quarterly health days where we hope to welcome our community to our luncheon club, and part take in our activities and workshops.
This project is available for Hackney Cypriot Association service users. We would like to invite all members of our community to take part in our project, and hope to see you all soon!
We are delighted to introduce our two new welfare support officers, who will be managing this project, Andriana & Dilem.
The HCA Team
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